Rozerem Treatment and Rehab

Rozerem is a hypnotic and sedative that works by influencing certain substances in your body to influence your “sleep-wake cycle.” It is for this reason the drug is typically prescribed for the treatment of insomnia and delayed sleep onset.

Unlike most commonly-prescribed sleep medications, Rozerem isn’t believed to be a habit-forming drug. Because Rozerem isn’t believed to lead to substance dependence, doctors often prefer prescribe it to patients. The drug is also believed to have a reduced risk of causing rebound insomnia in the event you suddenly quit using it.

Nonetheless, it is ill-advised to abuse Rozerem long term for its sedative and relaxing effects. This is because, even though abusing the drug long term might not lead to a full-blown addiction, it can still give rise to a wide variety of unpleasant side effects.

If you or a loved one have been abusing Rozerem. or have been using the drug recreationally, please speak to your doctor.

What is Rozerem Addiction?

Even when used by patients with a history of drug abuse, the risk of developing dependence when using Rozerem is considered to be relatively low. But if Rozerem is used alongside certain other medication or substances, it can cause serious side effects, such as next-day fatigue or physical impairment.

But one particular side effect of using Rozerem, that causes concern, is how it affects various hormones in the human body. Said effects are more pronounced if the drug is used on a regular basis.

In light of the extensive testing Rozerem has undergone, there’s little to no evidence to indicate that it is a habit-forming drug. But as already mentioned, this doesn’t mean that the drug isn’t without risk. For instance, the use of Rozerem has already been linked to a 34% increase in the average level of prolactin in women. This increase can lead to physiological complications, such as loss of libido, difficulties during intercourse, and unexpected lactation.

On the other hand, men using Rozerem have been reported to experience a decrease in testosterone levels, leading to a decrease in libido, and erectile dysfunction.

Regardless, Rozerem is not classified as a controlled substance. In fact, it is one of the few hypnotic drugs that isn’t categorised as such. This is unlike many other sleep medications which are considered habit-forming and are typically classified by the DEA under Schedule IV. Rozerem doesn’t carry such a classification because compared to other sleep aids on the market, it has a much lower potential for abuse and addiction.

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Rozerem Addiction Treatment

Rozerem isn’t generally recognised as a drug that is capable of leading to physical dependence. The drug has also shown little to no potential of causing withdrawal or rebound insomnia, unlike what’s typical of most GABA modulators. Nonetheless, this is not an excuse to continue abusing the drug for its sedative effects, especially considering the various other side effects that may still manifest.

During clinical trials, 6% of patients treated with Rozerem had to discontinue using the drug due to adverse side effects. The most common side effects that led to discontinuation were dizziness, somnolence, fatigue, nausea, headaches, and insomnia. Over time, there have also been rare reports of users experiencing abnormal thinking, anaphylactic reactions, and suicide in patients previously suffering from depression.

Rozerem itself may not be habit forming, but there is nonetheless a possibility that its inclusion in a sleep aid regimen, especially for patients with a history of drug abuse may result in cumulative effects that lead to a dependency forming. If you believe you or anyone you know has a developed a Rozerem dependence, you’ll be happy to know that a number of treatment options are available.

Just remember that the sooner the addiction is treated, the better. Seeking professional help for addiction is not a sign of weakness. So take the first step toward a complete recovery today.

Rozerem Dependence Treatment Suggestions

Due to Rozerem’s unique characteristic of not demonstrating a clear potential for abuse, it is the only drug for insomnia that’s not classified by the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) as a scheduled drug. But the drug still possesses a small of risk for misuse and physical dependence. And the people most in danger of experiencing this risk are individuals with a mental disorder or a coexisting substance abuse problem.

If you become dependent on Rozerem, the safest way to detox is to gradually wean yourself off the drug, rather than attempting to quit “cold turkey”. During detox, it is possible to suffer a relapse, especially if insomnia returns. It is for this reason it is best to receive addiction treatment in an inpatient rehab centre, where supervised medical detoxification, as well as a tapering plan, can be provided. Once tapering is well on its way, therapy to deal with the psychological aspects of the addiction may commence.

Compared to people who generally abuse illicit substances, people who abuse Rozerem and similar insomnia medications tend to have a different reason for starting to abuse substances. This means the type of therapy that will work best for people abusing Rozerem will likely differ from that a person abusing stimulants or opioids.

Individual and group therapy can be provided to great effect to explore the reasons for your drug abuse, and help you come up with healthier ways to deal with these reasons in the future. This therapy will also address the behaviours surrounding your insomnia medication abuse, as well as the underlying causes, of the insomnia.

Research-based therapies like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) may also be used to help you make a full recovery.

Warning signs of Rozerem Abuse and Addiction

Anyone can fall victim to substance abuse. If you are prescribed medication, it’s never out of the question that you will become addicted to the effects of the drug, or even suffer an overdose.

To avoid this, it is best to deal with the symptoms of abuse before it’s too late. Said symptoms or warning signs can include changes in attitude, behaviour, or physical appearance. Some of the commonly seen signs of abuse when it comes to insomnia medication include:

  • Small pupils
  • Drowsiness
  • Decreased respiratory rate
  • Loss or increase in appetite
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Nausea
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Change in attitude and/or personality
  • Drops in performance at work or school
  • Isolation and secretive behaviour
  • Moodiness or irritability
  • Continued abuse of drugs even when aware it is causing negative effects

Effects: Short and Long Term

The use of Rozerem should be avoided if you’ve been previously diagnosed with a mental health disorder, as the drug can cause you to experience abnormal thinking and behavioural changes. Examples of these changes may include reduced inhibitions while taking Rozerem.

Short term effects of abusing Rozerem may include:

  • Allergic reactions such as swelling of the tongue and throat
  • Nausea
  • Sleep-walking
  • Exacerbated insomnia
  • Missed periods in women
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness

Long-term side effects on the other hand may include:

  • Worsening of depression and suicidal thoughts
  • Decreased testosterone levels in men
  • Increased prolactin levels in women
  • Loss of interest in sex
  • Worsening sleep problems

This list of side effects is incomplete and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice if Rozerem is affecting you in any way out of the ordinary.

Why You Should Seek Treatment and Rehab for Rozerem Abuse and Addiction

Any enjoyable activity or substance can become addictive if it is done or consumed in excess. If you suspect you are developing or have developed an addiction, it’s best to promptly seek professional assistance. Rozerem addiction can lead to you consuming more of the drug than your body can tolerate or process, and this can lead to an overdose.

Addiction can also lead to you attempting risky behaviour, such as combining Rozerem with other substances in an attempt to enhance its effects. Such acts can pose a significant risk to your health, especially if you have a co-occurring disorder.

The sooner you go to rehab and get proper treatment for Rozerem abuse and addiction, the less at risk you will be.

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How to Help A Loved One Seek Treatment

Approaching a loved one and advising them to get treatment for substance dependence is never an easy task. Most addicts fail to realise they have a problem or simply choose to ignore it. This isn’t necessarily their fault as addiction has a way of changing people’s lifestyles, as well as the way they think. So, when approaching a loved one to get treatment for addiction, you have to approach them the right way if you want to convince them to get the help they need.

Applying the following tips can be useful in helping your loved one commit to stopping Rozerem abuse:

  • Do not get into an argument with an addict and remain calm at all times while trying to convince them to get help. Speak in a calm tone and try to reason with them until they sees that quitting is in their best interest as well as that of those around them.
  • Avoid being confrontational or accusatory. If you are, you could cause a loved one to become defensive and avoid you in the future. Some might even lash out. So, show compassion when trying to talk a loved one about getting addiction treatment.
  • Explain to a loved one how their addiction is negatively affecting the lives and happiness of those around hem. This is important because, most of the time, an addict is blind to how their actions are hurting those around them.
  • For best results, don’t confront a loved one about addiction on your own and be sure to speak to them only when they are sober.
  • And last but not least, don’t give up on your loved one. Convincing an addict to quit a substance they abuse rarely works on the first try. So keep at it and remain compassionate in your approach.

If you would like professional help with convincing a loved one to drop their Rozerem habit, a professional interventionist can really help smooth out the process. Get in touch with one today by contacting a confidential addiction helpline.

Why Seek Rehab at a Treatment Centre for Rozerem Addiction

It’s not impossible to quit Rozerem abuse on your own, but it is definitely much tougher and your chances of avoiding a relapse are far less. For quality treatment and professional therapy that will help you achieve sobriety long term, it is best to visit a reputable treatment centre for Rozerem Addiction.

At a treatment centre, you’ll have access to specialist treatment that will care for not only the physical aspects of your addiction, but also the psychological aspects. This will be accomplished by first systematically evaluating your condition, before then prescribing the best schedule of treatment to help you make a full recovery.

If your addiction is severe, you can be enrolled into an inpatient facility where you’ll be provided intensive care around the clock, support group programs, and a conducive environment that allows you to focus solely on recovery. Simply put, seeking treatment at a rehab centre is the safest, most comfortable, and most effective way to make a full recovery from Rozerem abuse.

Rozerem Addiction Treatment

Because there isn’t a lot of scientific research available concerning the effects of Rozerem and how it influences the body, a standard treatment policy for dealing with Rozerem abuse doesn’t yet exist. Nonetheless, specialised addiction treatment facilities around the world make use of a variety of addiction treatment methods to care for individuals with a Rozerem addiction.

If you are addicted to Rozerem, the best course of treatment will be determined after taking into consideration the severity of your addiction, as well as if you have any co-occurring disorders or complications. After properly evaluating and diagnosing your addiction, treatment in either an inpatient or outpatient facility may be recommended.

An inpatient facility will be recommended for treatment if your addiction is particularly severe, while an outpatient facility will be recommended if your treatment can be safely managed at home without the need for intensive medical supervision.

What’s Rozerem Rehab Like?

Rozerem rehab will treat the psychological changes that Rozerem abuse has caused in your mind, and help reverse them gradually over time. In an inpatient rehab program, you will be cared for in a controlled environment where protection from the triggers and stressors that led you to abuse Rozerem will be provided. A variety of therapy methods will also be used to help you identify how to avoid abuse of Rozerem in the future.

Overall, the key goals of Rozerem rehab will be to:

  • Prevent a relapse
  • Reintroduce you to a healthier and better lifestyle
  • Show you how to better control your impulses and make more reasonable decisions
  • Identify and take care of the real issues behind your addiction, which may include low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, or trauma
  • Help you set aside incorrect or unreasonable thought processes
  • Help build up self-esteem
  • Teach you to accept responsibility for your actions
  • Teach you how to better nurture and care for yourself
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Treatment & Therapy Options

Medically-supervised detox, immediately followed by intensive therapy, is the gold standard for providing comprehensive treatment to those with a Rozerem dependence.

The most effective and safest way to detox from insomnia medication is through a tapering process that weans you off the drug and minimises withdrawal symptoms. This is far safer than attempting to quit insomnia medication “cold turkey”. 

Medical supervision will help ensure that you stick to a tapering schedule. Once you are stabilized on a tapering schedule, therapy can commence.

Individual and group therapy can be beneficial to those with an insomnia medication addiction. Individual therapy can also be personalised to explore the unique factors that led you to substance abuse in the first place. This therapy can also address the potential causes that led to the insomnia that first required medication.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) has also been found to be useful in this process. CBT can help identify your motivation for abusing Rozerem, and then help you develop new behaviour patterns to replace your harmful drug habits. CBT can also provide you with healthier coping strategies for managing stressors that normally cause you to abuse drugs. If necessary, CBT can be adapted to group therapy sessions.

Holistic treatments can also be made available to help you make a healthy and all-encompassing recovery. Some commonly used holistic treatments for insomnia medication abuse include yoga, massage, meditation, and acupuncture. Such forms of treatment will not be provided as a stand-alone, but alongside medical detox and intensive therapy.

Types of Rozerem Addiction Treatment

Depending on the severity of your addiction, one, or a combination, of the following can be prescribed to help you make a full recovery from Rozerem abuse:

  • Inpatient treatment: Inpatient treatment can last for 30 to 90 days, and unlike outpatient treatment, you are not allowed to leave the treatment facility until your treatment is complete. The arrangement in an inpatient treatment facility can offer medically managed intensive care, or a therapeutic community where you and other recovering addicts can support one another towards making a full recovery.
  • Luxury: This is a form of inpatient treatment that’s a little more expensive and offers treatment in a more relaxed and comfortable environment. A combination of upscale amenities, such as gourmet dining, massage therapy, and spa treatments will be used in conjunction with various forms of therapy to help you make a full recovery.
  • Executive: Like luxury inpatient treatment programmes, this is an upscale program. It is designed to cater to the needs of top level business executives trying to beat an addiction but who don’t want the recovery process to interfere with their ability to work.
  • Outpatient treatment: A variety of outpatient treatment facilities are available, and each one offers a different degree of flexibility that allows you continue with daily activities such as work or schooling while undergoing addiction treatment. A standard outpatient treatment programme simply requires you come in for 1 to 2 hours of therapy sessions for 1 or 2 days per week.

On the other hand, you could opt for a partial hospitalization programme (PHP) which may be for 5-7 days per week, but you are allowed to return home at night during the days you are being treated. An intensive outpatient programme (IOP), on the other hand, will require you to come in for counselling sessions for several hours each day for at least 3 to 5 days per week.

  • Holistic programs: Such programs are designed to help heal the body, mind, and spirit with the aid of acupuncture, yoga, meditation, nutritional counselling, and other forms of alternative treatments.
  • 12-step programmes: An example of this is Narcotics Anonymous (NA), which is a peer-based programme. It can be used as a form of treatment in rehab, as well as a form of continued treatment once rehab is complete.

When to Choose Inpatient vs. Outpatient

An addiction specialist is in the best position to determine if an inpatient treatment programme is best for you or if an outpatient programme would be more ideal. The severity of your addiction, as well as which withdrawal symptoms you are suffering from, will determine what sort of treatment programme can deliver the best results for you as a recovering addict.

Inpatient and outpatient programmes are both capable of helping you make a full recovery from Rozerem addiction. But each treatment type offers unique benefits which can make one better suited than the other in certain circumstances. For instance, an inpatient treatment facility is a better option for people with a severe Rozerem addiction, especially those who are likely to experience intense withdrawal symptoms. This is because an inpatient facility provides around the clock intensive care,  as well as a safe and conducive environment where you can make a full recovery without being exposed to stressors and triggers.

On the other hand, an outpatient facility is a good option if you have a less severe addiction and do not require round the clock assistance with withdrawal symptoms. Also, if you would like your addiction treatment to not interfere with your daily life or schedule, an outpatient facility will let you continue with work, school, and other social activities while you are receiving treatment.

Other important considerations are time and cost. Inpatient programs tend to cost more but can help you make a full recovery in less time. An outpatient facility, on the other hand, typically costs less but can take longer for you to finish receiving treatment. Regardless, it is best to have an expert properly evaluate you and give their advice concerning if inpatient or outpatient is best for you. To get a quick and accurate evaluation, call a confidential helpline today.

The Benefits of Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment

Inpatient addiction treatment offers more comprehensive care for recovering addicts and greatly reduces the chances of suffering a relapse during treatment. You will also have access to professional medical care all day and night, with staff who can promptly respond to any sudden changes in your health brought on by withdrawal symptoms.

Outpatient programmes on the other hand, while not as comprehensive or intensive as an inpatient programme, allow you to enjoy certain conveniences, such as being able to return home after each day of treatment. It also allows you continue with work, school, and other social activities while being treated for addiction. Outpatient programmes are also generally less expensive than inpatient treatment programmes.

Choosing the Best Rozerem Rehab Centre

What counts as the best Rozerem rehab centre for you will be determined by a wide variety of factors. Some of these factors include:

  • Available support system
  • Your personal preferences, that is, if you prefer a luxury or standard setting
  • Cost of the rehab program
  • Your insurance coverage
  • Severity of your Rozerem abuse
  • Whether you are abusing other substances alongside Rozerem

If you are unable to determine on your own what rehab centre will serve your needs best, professional guidance can be given when you call a confidential addiction helpline, for all the pertinent information you need.

Specialized Treatment & Therapy Options

Specialized treatment and therapy may be provided in unique circumstances, especially in instances where the recovering addict has a co-occurring disorder. Depending on the unique circumstances of your condition, the following specialized treatment and therapy options may be prescribed:

  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy sessions
  • Creative arts therapy
  • Individual counselling
  • Nutrition, wellness, and stress management treatment services

Withdrawal from Rozerem

Because Rozerem addiction is uncommon, there isn’t much information concerning its withdrawal symptoms. But it is vital that you know that Rozerem withdrawal is possible, especially if you’ve been abusing the drug for a long period of time in increasing doses. The danger of withdrawal is even more likely if you have been abusing Rozerem alongside other substances, or if you have some sort of mental disorder. In this case, if you stop or reduce the amount of Rozerem you consume, withdrawal symptoms may begin to manifest.

If you are experiencing withdrawal, it is in your best interest to seek professional withdrawal treatment in an inpatient or outpatient facility. This is because if not properly cared for, Rozerem withdrawal symptoms may result in long-term mental or physical complications.

Continuing and Follow-up Care

Once the Rozerem addiction treatment is complete, there is still a possibility that you may suffer a relapse. This is why it is advised that after rehab is complete, you continue receiving care by taking advantage of aftercare services. Aftercare will help you stay on the path to sobriety long term by helping you avoid triggers and stressors that may cause you to return to abusing Rozerem.

Aftercare or continuing care is voluntary, and you can continue with it for as long as you need it. It’s important to remember that recovering addicts who participate in aftercare are  less prone to suffering a relapse in comparison to those who don’t partake in aftercare.

Relapse Prevention

Group therapy, your family support group, or other support groups, can help you stay focused on long-term sobriety and continuing with a healthy lifestyle. Aftercare can also provide you with the tools and coping mechanisms needed to stay strong in the face of temptation and seek healthier means of coping with stress that may cause you to relapse.

Rozerem Treatment Costs and Payment Options

The severity of your Rozerem abuse and the sort of treatment you opt for will typically affect the cost of your addiction treatment. Treatment at an inpatient facility generally costs more than at an outpatient facility. Also, the cost of inpatient treatment can further increase if you opt for a luxury or executive treatment program.

Also, when it comes to payment options, you can pay for rehab treatment either with cash or credit card. Your medical insurance might also cover rehab treatment but it’s important to verify the extent of your coverage by speaking with your insurance company.

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Live a Sober Life Again – Call Now for Treatment Options

Breaking free from addiction doesn’t have to be something you go through alone. No matter where you live, you can get  in touch with a drug rehab centre capable of helping you with Rozerem abuse. Get the treatment you need fast, and without any hassle, by talking to an expert Rozerem addiction treatment clinic in your area or abroad today.

Rozerem Addiction Statistics and Facts

According to the NSF (National Sleep Foundation), in polls dating back to 1999, more than half of the adult population in the USA has experienced some form of sleep-related issue at some point in their lives. The most common problem is often insomnia, or the delayed onset of sleep.

By 2005, 38% of people reported waking up on a frequent basis not feeling well rested. 32% reported having trouble enjoying uninterrupted sleep through the night and 21% reported being unable to fall back asleep after waking too early.


What are the Effects of Rozerem on the Body?

Rozerem is a hypnotic and sedative that influences the chemicals in your body that regulate your “sleep-wake cycle.” It is for this reason the drug is typically prescribed for the treatment of insomnia and delayed sleep onset.

Are Rozerem Rehab Facilities Private and Confidential?

Generally, all Rozerem rehab facilities offer a private and confidential service. This includes telephone calls and in-person meetings. This ensures you get the substance abuse treatment you need without anyone knowing what you’re doing. But every rehab clinic offers a different level of confidentiality, so, to ensure you are getting a level of confidentiality that suits your needs, all you need do is make enquiries at the rehab clinic itself.

Do I Need an Inpatient Rozerem Rehab Facility?

If your addiction to Rozerem is severe, you will likely require treatment in an inpatient facility. This is because an inpatient facility will effectively facilitate your recovery by monitoring you around the clock, and your withdrawal symptoms will be medically managed to minimise the risk of long-term health complications. Also, it’s a safer way to recover from addiction as your chances of suffering a relapse are minimised due to being in a controlled and substance-free environment, which allows you to remain entirely focused on achieving long term sobriety.

Is Rozerem Addictive?

Unlike most commonly prescribed sleep medications, Rozerem isn’t believed to be a habit-forming drug. Because Rozerem isn’t believed to be a habit-forming drug that can lead to substance dependence, patient and doctors alike prefer to prescribe it. The drug is also believed to have a reduced risk of causing rebound insomnia in the event you suddenly quit using it.

Nonetheless, it is ill-advised to abuse Rozerem long term for its sedative and relaxing effects. This is because, even though abusing the drug long term might not lead to addiction, it can still give rise to a wide variety of unpleasant side effects.

Rozerem is not classified as a controlled substance. This is unlike other sleep medications which are considered habit-forming and are typically classified by the DEA under Schedule IV.

How Long Does Rozerem Rehab Take?

Depending on factors such as your physiology, level of your addiction, and type of treatment, the rehab process can last for anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

What Types Of Rozerem Addiction Treatment Programs Are Available?

Depending on the severity of your addiction, one, or a combination, of the following can be prescribed to help you make a full recovery from Rozerem abuse:

  • Inpatient treatment. This can be a standard inpatient program or a luxury, or executive treatment programme.
  • Outpatient treatment. This can be a standard outpatient treatment programme, or a

Partial Hospitalization Programme (PHP), or an Intensive Outpatient Programme (IOP).

  • Holistic programmes.
  • 12-step programmes.

Are There Rozerem Treatment Programs for Teens?

Yes, there are Rozerem treatment programs that are specifically designed to care for addicted teens.

How Do You Know if You’re Addicted to Rozerem?

The following are commonly-seen signs of Rozerem addiction:

  • Increased tolerance to Rozerem and thus an increase in dosage and frequency of use
  • Failed attempts at quitting or reducing the use of Rozerem
  • Hiding Rozerem around the house or office
  • Lack of interest in things you once enjoyed, especially activities not revolving around using Rozerem
  • Sudden mood swings
  • Continued abuse of Rozerem even when aware it may be causing negative effects

How Much Does Rozerem Treatment Cost?

The severity of your Rozerem abuse, and the sort of treatment you opt for, will typically affect the cost of your addiction treatment. Treatment at an inpatient facility typically costs more than at an outpatient facility. Also, the cost of inpatient treatment can further increase if you opt for a luxury or executive treatment program.

Also, when it comes to payment options, you can pay for rehab treatment either with cash or credit card. Your medical insurance might also cover rehab treatment but it’s important to verify the extent of your coverage by speaking with your insurance company.

What Is Rozerem Treatment?

Because there isn’t a lot of scientific research available concerning the effects of Rozerem and how it influences the body, a standard treatment policy for Rozerem abuse doesn’t yet exist. Nonetheless, specialised addiction treatment facilities around the world make use of a variety of treatment methods to care for individuals with a Rozerem addiction.

If you are addicted to Rozerem, the best course of treatment will be determined after taking into consideration the severity of your addiction, as well as if there are any co-occurring disorders or complications. After properly evaluating and diagnosing your addiction, treatment in either an inpatient or outpatient facility may be recommended.

What Does Rozerem Treatment Include?

Comprehensive Rozerem treatment will include a medically supervised detox which will immediately be followed by intensive therapy.

Individual and group therapy can be beneficial to those with an insomnia medication addiction. Individual therapy can be personalised to explore the unique factors that led you to substance abuse in the first place. This therapy can also address the potential causes that led to the insomnia that first required medication.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is also useful. CBT can help identify your motivation for abusing Rozerem and then help you develop new behaviour patterns to replace your harmful drug habits. CBT can also provide you with healthier coping strategies for managing stressors that normally cause you to abuse drugs. If necessary, CBT can be adapted to group therapy sessions.

Holistic treatments can also be made available to help you make a healthy and all-encompassing recovery. Some commonly-used holistic treatments for insomnia medication abuse include yoga, massage, meditation, and acupuncture. Such forms of treatment will not be provided alone, but alongside medical detox and intensive therapy.

Why Is Rozerem Addictive?

In light of the extensive testing Rozerem has undergone, there’s little to no evidence to indicate that it is a habit-forming drug. But as already mentioned, using the drug isn’t without risk.

Rozerem itself may not be habit forming, but there is nonetheless a possibility that its inclusion in a sleep aid regimen, especially for patients with a history of drug abuse, may result in cumulative effects that lead to a dependency forming.

If you or a loved one have been abusing Rozerem, get help today by visiting a rehab centre, or call a confidential helpline for professional guidance on what your options are for addiction treatment and rehab.

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