Methoxetamine Symptoms and Warning Signs

The use of drugs such as methoxetamine – or MXE as it is also known – for recreational purposes is fairly common. Methoxetamine is often used as a substitute for ketamine as it has similar chemical properties to the hallucinogenic drug. However, methoxetamine is said to be preferable to ketamine as it does not have the same negative impact on the bladder (although there is insufficient evidence to support such claims at the time of this writing).

Methoxetamine is a drug that can induce feelings of pleasure in the user. If you have abused it, you are likely to have experienced feelings of relaxation and euphoria. You may also have experienced a floating-type feeling, which is known as a dissociative state. This is where you feel as though your mind and body have become separated. The sensations can last for up to twenty-four hours.

Some of those who take methoxetamine, however, do not experience pleasurable effects. Indeed, taking it in high doses can lead to feelings of agitation, paranoia, sensory distortions, and speech and communication problems. Methoxetamine is reported to be more powerful than similar drugs, such as ketamine and PCP, and was, unlike them, specifically developed as a designer recreational drug rather than for pharmaceutical purposes.

This is why methoxetamine is a highly addictive substance with a very high potential for abuse. If you are using this drug you should be alert to the signs of abuse and addiction so that you can get help if you find yourself with a problem. If you are unsure if you are taking it, we have collected a number of the methoxetamine options currently known to be sold in the UK.

Other Names for Methoxetamine

  • MXE
  • Mexxy
  • Special M
  • Legal Ketamine
  • M-Ket
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Recognising the Common Warning Signs of Methoxetamine Abuse

As mentioned above, due to its hallucinogenic properties, methoxetamine is commonly used for recreational purposes and has been classed as a designer drug. Although a banned substance in the UK, it is often sold in other countries as a ‘research chemical’ and marked as ‘not fit for human consumption’ to bypass local restrictions and regulations. It is often referred to as a legal high and because many people believe it to be a safer alternative to ketamine, it is regularly taken as a substitute. Unfortunately, the false assumption that it is not harmful can lead to dangerous effects.

Abuse of methoxetamine can cause harm to health and it can lead to addiction. In fact, abuse of the drug can result in immediate health issues and, when taken in high enough doses, can even be fatal. It is important to recognise the signs of abuse and act upon them before you develop an addiction.

If you are struggling to control your use of methoxetamine, you may already have a problem that needs dealing with if you are to get better. You might have noticed that your use of this drug is increasing as time goes by. This probably has a lot to do with your body building up a tolerance to the effects of the substance. You maybe need more of it to achieve the same feelings you did from a lesser amount when you first started taking it.

You may also be allowing, consciously or otherwise, your use of methoxetamine to interfere with daily life. When substance use becomes substance abuse, it is likely that the drug you are using is becoming increasingly more important to you. You may spend most of your time using or thinking about it. Do not let the drug push out everything that was once important to you – friends, family, career, ideals and dreams.

The Dangers of Methoxetamine Abuse

Methoxetamine is a dangerous drug, despite it being marketed as a safer alternative to ketamine. It can lead to both mental and physical health problems and it has been known to cause death even with just one-time use. Are you or your closest people concerned that the habit is getting beyond your control?

If your use of methoxetamine starts to spiral out of control, you might begin to notice many negative consequences. As your need for the drug increases, you may begin to isolate yourself from anyone who cannot help you in your quest to feed your habit. This includes any non-drug using individuals in your life, which can have serious implications on your relationships with others. It is difficult, if not impossible, to maintain healthy relationships with others when substance abuse is an issue.

Other areas of your life that may be affected by an eventual addiction. If you are under the influence of methoxetamine for much of the time, your ability to perform to the required standard, whether this is work or school, will be negatively affected. This could affect your current and future prospects.

You may also find yourself at a higher risk of having an accident should you spend most of your time under the influence of a drug such as methoxetamine. After all, this is a substance that can cause hallucinations and impair judgement and could cause you to take unnecessary risks without accounting for the real dangers.

Recognising a Methoxetamine Addiction

Addiction occurs when your use of a substance begins to have a negative impact on your life. When you have little or no control over a substance and you feel compelled to use it despite knowing that doing so will have negative implications for you and others, you are almost certainly addicted.

It is important to consider your use of methoxetamine to determine if it is causing significant problems in your life. This will give you an idea of whether you are addicted or not. Signs of addiction include:

  • allowing your use to interfere with activities and hobbies you once enjoyed
  • neglecting those around you and putting no effort into maintaining relationships that were once important
  • isolating from family members and friends because of your methoxetamine use
  • hiding your drug use from others because ‘they wouldn’t understand’
  • neglecting personal hygiene and grooming
  • promising yourself that you would not use methoxetamine but being unable to resist the urge
  • feeling irritable or agitated when in need of the drug
  • feeling guilty or ashamed about your use of methoxetamine

Methoxetamine Addiction and the Brain

Methoxetamine is a drug that has commensurate properties to other dissociative anaesthetic drugs such as ketamine and PCP. Not much is currently known about how it affects the brain, but it is thought that it works in a comparable way to ketamine in that it affects certain receptors.

It is thought that methoxetamine is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor and a non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonist. As such, it can improve mood and reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.

Learn the Immediate Side Effects of Methoxetamine Abuse

Methoxetamine is a stimulant drug with hallucinogenic properties. Examples of the immediate effects associated with abuse of this drug include:

  • euphoria
  • feeling of calm
  • increased sociability
  • heightened sensory perceptions
  • dissociative state
  • slurred speech
  • agitation
  • confusion
  • trouble communicating
  • anxiety
  • restlessness
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • paranoia
  • muscle incoordination
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Learn the Long-Term Methoxetamine Abuse Side Effects

The side effects of long-term abuse of methoxetamine are relatively unknown and more studies are required. However, it is believed that the long-term side effects could be like those experienced by chronic ketamine users and can include:

  • memory loss
  • depression
  • severe stomach cramps
  • psychosis

Although ‘marketed’ as a safer drug to ketamine and one that does not cause bladder and kidney problems, some research has found that methoxetamine can lead to kidney damage and bladder inflammation in some lab animals. It is presumed that the same problems could manifest in long-term users of the drug.

Intervention for a Methoxetamine Addiction

If you are worried about someone you love and believe that he or she may have a problem with methoxetamine, it is important that you intervene as soon as possible. Although you may be hoping that the problem will resolve itself, this is highly unlikely. In fact, what is more, likely to happen is that your loved one’s problem will get worse; this is what usually happens with any type of substance addiction. Methoxetamine is no different.

If the person you are concerned about is reluctant to admit that the problem exists, you might want to consider staging a family intervention. This is where a group of people close to the addict, alongside an experienced interventionist, will meet to discuss the problem and how it is affecting their lives. Interventions have a high success rate and are seen as one of the most effective tools when it comes to encouraging an addicted individual into treatment.

Detox and Withdrawal from Methoxetamine

Suddenly stopping methoxetamine can result in withdrawal symptoms such as depression and insomnia. You could also notice other symptoms that are like flu’s, such as sweating, chills, fatigue, and stiff muscles. These symptoms could be enough to send you back to the drug that you know will make them subside. It is for that reason that you may need to detox in a supervised facility, where you have no access to methoxetamine and where experienced staff can take care of you and make sure you are safe and comfortable at all times.

Treatment and Next Steps

Once you have dealt with the physical withdrawal symptoms associated with methoxetamine addiction, it will be necessary to address the psychological or emotional element of the illness. This takes place in a programme of rehabilitation at either an inpatient or outpatient facility.

Inpatient treatment is a good idea for anyone with a severe addiction, a chaotic home life, or those who have already tried an outpatient programme without success. With inpatient treatment, you will be immersed in an intensive programme of recovery that will take place over the course of four to twelve weeks. You will stay in the treatment facility for the duration of the treatment and will have no access to any temptations. This is the fastest approach to overcoming addiction.

Outpatient treatment is an alternative to residential programmes and allows you to recover in the real world. This type of programme will require an ardent desire to succeed as you will have to deal with everyday life issues and temptations while going through recovery.

Treatment for most people with a methoxetamine addiction will include various talking and behavioural therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy. The aim is to identify the cause of the addictive behaviour and to develop new coping strategies to avoid a relapse going forward.

Questions about Treatment

How do I know if I need rehab treatment?

If you are worried that your use of methoxetamine is becoming a problem, it is best to speak to a professional about your options. You may not be fully convinced that you have a problem that is bad enough to warrant professional help; if this is so, we can assist. You can call our helpline and talk to a friendly advisor who will assess your situation to determine the severity of your problem.

It may be that you could just benefit from some advice about how to cut down on your substance use; alternatively, it might be that a programme of detox and rehabilitation is best suited to your situation. Remember though, the earlier you get help the better.

I cannot afford private treatment – is there a cheaper option?

If you are worried about the cost of private addiction treatment, you should know that you have several options open to you. Free programmes are available through the NHS but there are also some provided by charities around the country. Unfortunately, the demand for such programmes tends to be quite high, so you may have to wait for a place.

In terms of private treatment, not all programmes cost the same. An average 28-day residential programme costs anywhere between four and six thousand pounds for the most part, but some are cheaper than this. Moreover, in some instances, you can spread the cost instead of having to pay it all in one go.

What is treatment like?

Treatment takes place on either a one-to-one basis or within a group setting. The environment is non-judgemental and supportive, and it encourages you to be open and honest so that you can overcome the issues that have led you to this point in your life.

With so many different options available to counsellors, it is impossible to say which treatments will form a part of your programme of care. But therapies such as individual counselling, group therapy, family therapy, and cognitive behavioural therapy may be used.  Your treatment programme might also consist of some holistic therapies such as mindfulness, yoga, and massage.

What happens after treatment?

Many people worry about how they are going to cope when their treatment programme ends. These individuals believe they will be left to fend for themselves in the world where they developed their addiction in the first place, but this is not the case. Treatment providers will help with the transition to normal, everyday life and will ensure that you have a network of support that you can rely on when you need to.

It is likely that you will be encouraged to get involved with your local support group as this will help with the maintenance of your sobriety.

How will I get time off work?

Addiction is an illness and as such, you are entitled to take time off work for treatment. One of our doctors will provide a certificate for your employer and we can help you to claim statutory sick pay if you are entitled to it.

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