If you find yourself battling with drug, alcohol, or behavioural addiction, we want you to know that help is available through many different sources. There are inpatient and outpatient programmes, residential treatments, professional counsellors, support groups and more. Moreover, there are plenty of non-religious addiction rehab centres if you wish to keep your treatment secular.

A non-religious, or secular, rehab centre will focus on the physical and psychological issues of addiction without delving into the moral. It is not necessarily a better or worse way to treat addiction; it is simply a personal preference. All that really matters is that clients completing rehab treatment programmes end up being successful over the long term.

Our responsibility is to help match you with the type of treatment right for you. We understand every client we deal with is an individual with a specific personality, history, and unique set of circumstances. We address the uniqueness of each client by helping develop a custom tailored treatment plan.

Secular Treatment: What to Expect

When you choose non-religious rehab, you will be able to choose between outpatient and inpatient services. Programmes are made available through the NHS, addiction recovery charities, independent support groups, and private facilities. The difference between outpatient and inpatient is as follows:

  • Outpatient – Treatment based on this model involves daily therapies followed by the clients returning home in the evening. Clients are responsible for maintaining sobriety during hours spent away from the treatment facility. Outpatient services can combine a number of services at different facilities simultaneously.

  • Inpatient – Treatment based on this model involves a residential stay at a rehab facility for between 4 and 12 weeks. Alcohol and Drug rehab centres are typically located in a rural setting in order to be free of the many distractions of the urban environment. Clients receive most of their treatments in the residential facility or can be transported daily to a separate location.

We normally recommend inpatient services for most addicts who contact us. Why? Because the inpatient atmosphere is one that is more conducive to full and complete recovery. What’s more, treatment can be concluded at a much faster pace because clients remain at the facility all day and night.

When inpatient care is not appropriate, we work with clients to develop a comprehensive plan of outpatient services. Outpatient services are normally provided by the NHS, charities, and support groups.

12-Step Programmes

It is important for us to talk briefly about the 12-step programme in relation to non-religious rehab centres. If you are not familiar with the 12-step programme, it dates back to the early 1930s and Alcoholics Anonymous. It has proved to be very successful over the last 80 years; so successful that most rehab centres in the UK employ some form of it.

We bring this to your attention due to the fact that the original 12-step programme includes a small religious component. While that component does not specifically endorse any one religion, it recognises the existence of higher power in the life of the addict. Clients are encouraged to embrace that religious component as part of their treatment. Those who choose not to are not excluded from the programme.

In some cases, non-religious rehab centres modify the standard 12-step programme to exclude the reference to the higher power. Everything else remains the same. Addicts are forced to acknowledge that they alone are responsible for their addiction, they alone are responsible for their recovery, and they will make themselves accountable to the group as a whole.

If you were looking for non-religious rehab, we would encourage you not to discount rehab centres using the 12-step programme simply because of the recognition of a higher power. With the exception of this one component, the rest of their programmes are secular in nature. There is no valid reason to reject treatment based on this one small portion.

Holistic Treatment Focus

Similar to the religious component of the 12-step programme, we must also mention the idea of holistic treatment. From a purely medical standpoint, addiction is a physiological and psychological one. Nevertheless, relying purely on this approach is not as successful as a more holistic approach.

Holistic rehab focuses on treating the entire individual rather than just the physical dependence. That means breaking physical dependence with drug or alcohol detox, followed by breaking the psychological and emotional dependencies through counselling therapies. The holistic approach is aimed at getting to the underlying issues of addiction; issues that go well beyond just the physical.

For example, one of the more popular treatments used in holistic programmes is what is known as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). This type of therapy recognises that each individual possesses some underlying circumstances or conditions that both trigger and encourage addictive behaviour. CBT seeks to root out those issues so they can be addressed head-on. Once they are uncovered, therapists can help clients develop specific strategies to overcome them.

Even if you prefer a non-religious rehab experience, you should strongly consider a holistic approach that includes both detox and rehabilitative therapies. You should also consider treatment at a residential facility if you can afford it. Residential treatment can be paid for through private health insurance, a credit card account, a personal loan, or donations from family members and friends.

Call Us Now

If you are ready to get the process started for yourself or a loved one, we urge you to call us right now. We’ll do our best to match you up with the non-religious rehab centre that is right for you. We work with facilities all across the UK and, when necessary, beyond. We can certainly assist you in finding the help you need.

Please note that all of our services are absolutely free and totally confidential. You will never have to worry about us sharing your information or using our initial contact to force you to purchase services from any given facility. Our only concern is making sure every client who comes our way is receiving the appropriate treatment. We are here for your benefit; we are here to help you get well.