Dealing with an Addicted Loved One Who Refuses Help

Seeing a loved one struggling with addiction can be heartbreaking to watch, especially if that person refuses help. Many addicts cannot see how serious their problem is and, although friends and family members can clearly see the damage it is doing, the affected person is oblivious or simply in denial.

Many family members have no clue about how to deal with addiction and, as such, feel helpless in this situation. They do not know if they should try to force their loved one to get help or if it would be better to sit back and wait for this person to realise he or she has a serious problem.

It is important to note that trying to force someone to accept help when he/she believes there is no need is very difficult. However, there are things that you can do to encourage your loved one to accept that a problem exists, which may be all they need to motivate them to seek help.

Find Out Why Your Loved One Does Not Want Help

With no previous experience of addiction, many family members are unsure how to deal with a loved one who is trapped in addiction. Those who have never suffered from addiction find it hard to understand why addicts behave the way they do, and why they cannot simply stop these negative actions.

Family members often fail to find out why their addicted family member is unwilling to accept help because they are too focused on trying to force that person get help. One of the most common reasons why an addict refuses to get help is because he or she is convinced that it will involve a lot of pain and suffering. They are convinced that recovery will be something that they cannot deal with and so are unwilling to even consider it.

Nevertheless, the truth is that rehabilitation does not need to be painful. It is true that with some addictions, withdrawal symptoms can be tough but, with the right clinic and support staff, this can be easily managed. Family members should make a point of learning all they can about rehabilitation and then providing this information to their loved one. It may simply be a case that the affected person is fearful of the unknown.

Find Out What Your Loved One Wants

Many addicts believe that they are going to be trapped in the cycle of addiction forever and that they cannot be helped. They have forgotten about plans they had for their future because they do not think these goals are achievable anymore. Nonetheless, it may be the case that asking them about long-forgotten plans could be the catalyst for them accepting that a change needs to be made. By convincing your loved one that he or she could still achieve those goals if they get treatment, this individual may then be willing to give rehabilitation a chance.

Make Your Move at the Right Time

Addicts are bound to be more resistant to the idea of rehabilitation when they are under the influence of the substance to which they are addicted. However, addicts will probably be more likely to accept that help is needed if they are suffering a severe hangover or a comedown from drugs. Another good time to tackle the subject is after the person has done something particularly bad and is feeling remorse. At these times, he or she may be more inclined to be open to the idea of a sober life.

Get External Help

If you are dealing with a loved one’s addiction, then you may want to get advice from experienced professionals. Addiction Helper has a team of advisors and counsellors willing to provide you with information and advice on how to get help for your family member. Our family addiction support service is free and confidential – call us today.

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