Lack of Inhibition

When lacking inhibition, it means you’re less self-conscious and more anxious. This is a desirable quality for most people (especially those who are shy), because reduced or lack of inhibition makes you become less anti-social. Subsequently, you’ll be less anxious about talking to strangers and unfazed when taking to the stage or performing in pressurised situations.

‘Inhibited’ people find it hard to express themselves or speak freely; they either avoid social get-togethers or behave awkwardly in such settings. However, there are pros and cons attached to being inhibited and lacking inhibition. The former is beneficial in legal or professional scenarios, but can also be a huge hindrance to communication and succeeding in endeavours that involve conversing with people. On the other hand, lacking inhibition can make you optimistic about taking certain actions that could lead to your success. However, it could also see you behave recklessly, in ways that might even put your life at risk.

When you abuse drugs in order to lose inhibitions, you can create dangerous situations for yourself, as such substances will take away the control you have over your speech and actions. The initial ‘high’ associated with the following drugs tend to remove or lower inhibitions: alcohol, opioids, benzodiazepines, sedative hypnotics, marijuana, synthetic cathinones, gamma-hydroxybutyrate, meth and ecstasy. Alcohol is often called a ‘social lubricant’ because it helps people to relax and have more fun at social events. However, consuming too much (or depending on it in order to function) can have dangerous consequences.

Accompanying Signs of Drug-Induced Lack of Inhibition

One way of knowing that someone has started abusing hard substances is when that person suddenly changes from being inhibitive to noticeably lacking inhibitions. These are some accompanying signs, including:

  • Impaired cognitive abilities: poor memory and thinking skills
  • Relaxation: calm in situations that require urgency
  • Euphoria: extremely happy without any cause to be
  • Impaired sensory perception: abnormal functioning of the auditory, visual, gustatory, olfactory, tactile and kinesthetic senses
  • Dizziness and daytime drowsiness
  • Light-headedness
  • Reduced reaction time: you don’t react in time, doing so when it’s already too late
  • Impaired judgement and motor skills: you make poor decisions and have a disturbed coordination, balance, perception and attention faculty
  • Delusions of grandeur: a false belief that you’re more intelligent, lucky, skilled and invincible – causing you to make reckless decisions
  • Lack of modesty: making offensive jokes, using foul language, undressing and even urinating in public

When to Seek Professional Assistance?

Unfortunately, drugs that can lower your inhibitions can also increase them. This is because chemicals in these drugs change the brain chemistry whilst you’re intoxicated and cause a rise in anxiety when they leave your system. To quell this substance-induced anxiety, you maybe take more drugs to lower your inhibitions – a paradoxical situation which can worsen your condition. Furthermore, if you engage in difficult or dangerous tasks whilst under the influence, you’ll put your life and those of others around you in serious danger.

Seeking professional assistance when you notice any of these symptoms is something you need to seriously consider.

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