How Boredom Can Lead to Addiction

There are many reasons why people start taking drugs or drinking alcohol, with peer pressure, curiosity, and stress relief as some of the most common. However, boredom is major fact in why some individuals try certain substances.

Teenagers, in particular, will drink or take drugs to relieve the boredom they are feeling. Nevertheless, if they continue to use the substance, they may become dependent on it and, eventually, develop an addiction. Those who have developed an addiction may be worried that their life will be boring without their substance of choice, and it is this fear that makes them carry on with their destructive ways. Boredom is also a major factor that causes many recovering addicts to relapse once they have completed a programme of rehabilitation.

The Negative Side of Boredom

Boredom occurs when people have nothing to do or when they do not like a particular activity they are being forced to do. It also occurs when an individual has no interest in his or her surroundings. Those who are constantly experiencing boredom can be at risk of mental health problems such as depression. In addition, many individuals who regularly feel bored may have an increased risk of developing issues such as eating disorders, drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling addiction, anger, irritability, and difficulty socialising.

Boredom can also lead to decreased productivity in school or work, and problems with family members.

Boredom and Addiction

Many teenagers will state boredom as the reason they first tried drugs or alcohol. Those who feel bored may drink alcohol or take drugs as a way to add some excitement to their lives. Some will binge drink because they do not have anything else to do; for some, this can lead to problems in later life in the form of drug and alcohol addictions.

The Danger of Boredom for Those in Recovery

Many addicts fear a life of boredom if they give up the substance to which they are addicted. It can be one of the major obstacles to individuals getting help for their problems. A number of addicts will not seek help because they are afraid that their life will hold no meaning without the substance they have become addicted to. They cannot see a future without drugs or alcohol and assume that they will have nothing to do once they are in recovery.

Those who do complete a period of rehabilitation will need to find something to occupy their time when they are back at home and living a sober life. It is important to avoid becoming bored because when a recovering addict has time on his or her hands, he or she will have time to think and reflect on life when they were using. It is common for many recovering addicts to begin glamorising their substance abuse. They will forget all the bad side effects and will usually focus on the good times. For many, this can be enough to set them on the path to addiction once again.

Staying Busy in Recovery

The most dangerous time for recovering addicts is the first few weeks and months in recovery. This is a time when they must try to establish a new life without drugs or alcohol. It is during this period that they are most at risk of relapse.

However, a strong network of support can be hugely beneficial. Hobbies are a great way to stay busy and can be extremely enjoyable. Many recovering addicts will also take up exercising, which will make them feel and look great.

Help for Addiction

If you are suffering from addiction, contact Addiction Helper. We are a free referral service working with addicts and their families by putting them in touch with suitable treatment providers. Call today for more information.

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