Addiction is not choosy

Many times in the years I have been working with addiction, have I heard the words, but I can’t be an addict, I’ve… got a degree/come from a good home/have a successful job etc. There is a common misconception that addiction only affects those who have not had an advantageous life – not true. Addiction is not choosy; it can affect anyone, anywhere. Take Matthew Perry, who starred as Chandler Bing in the sitcom Friends. Despite being one of America’s best loved actors, and earning in excess of $1 million per episode, Perry battled addiction to alcohol and prescription medication.

In fact, Perry’s addiction was so bad that he entered rehab twice to try and kick the habit, all the while living what was seemingly the perfect life. Whilst his story proves that addiction is not choosy and can happen to anyone, it also demonstrates that it is possible to come through the other side. Despite battling addiction for over ten years, the actor is now clean and sober, and putting his energy into helping others reach the same goal. Perry has even turned his own home into a sober-living house for men in the early stages of recovery.

Shame and stigma can seem overwhelming when you are battling addiction, but there is no dishonour in asking for help – the reason services such as Addiction Helper exist is because there are so many people in the world that suffer from addiction. You don’t have to suffer alone anymore, we are here to help.


Who am I contacting?

Calls and contact requests are answered by admissions at

UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

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