Alcohol & Drug Rehab in Bristol City

Few people who know and love Bristol will need reminding that along with all the positive aspects that make it one of the best places in the UK to live, the city has a darker side in the form of a long-standing and serious addiction problem.

Alcohol, illegal drugs – especially hard drugs such as crack and heroin – and prescription medicine are all taking a terrible toll on Bristol’s inhabitants, with knock-on consequences for crime and social health.

However, the picture is not an unremittingly gloomy one: there are now many facilities available for those struggling with addiction who are prepared to reach out for help. If you are among them, do not give up hope: read on to learn how rehab can set you back on the path to happiness.

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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Services in Bristol

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What Is Rehab?

Residential rehabilitation – or “rehab” – is the name given both to treatment provided to an addict at a dedicated facility, and to the facility itself. Rehab offers a compelling combination of detoxification (“detox”) and therapy, addressing both the immediate pressures of physical dependency and the longer-term challenges of psychological addiction.

This combination – delivered in one facility in a peaceful, secure, pleasant and confidential setting – means rehab is widely considered to be the most effective approach to the treatment of addiction in terms of its ability to provide a platform for permanent recovery. Indeed, so successful has the model proven that in mainstream culture “rehab” has become more or less synonymous with addiction treatment.

How Can I Get Someone into Rehab?

When dealing with addiction time is of the essence. Addiction is a dreadful illness which ruins lives and can end them prematurely: thousands of people die each year in the UK as a result either of substance abuse directly or of accidents or violent acts in which such abuse is a key factor.

Every day that goes by in which someone suffers from addiction and its ramifications is another day in which they are at risk of such untimely death – or, dreadfully, of causing the untimely death of someone.

Because of this, it is imperative to seek treatment as soon as possible – that is, as soon as an addict is prepared to admit to their addiction and to ask for help. Although the NHS offers various high-quality addiction treatment services, waiting lists can be very long – especially in areas of high demand such as Bristol – and those waiting times, sadly, are too long for many addicts. If you or someone close to you is addicted to any substance of abuse, do not hesitate: reach out to an addiction specialist now on 0800 024 1455 to discuss some of the private options available to you.

Advantages of Private Rehab

As mentioned above, rehab offers addicts a peaceful, confidential, secluded and secure setting in which to focus entirely upon their recovery away from the environment which has proven so damaging to them and in which they have been unable to resist the allure of substances of abuse.

When a patient enters rehab they undergo a thorough assessment prior to commencing a period of detox which is assisted by highly trained medical personnel who are there to ensure that the process is a safe as possible, and that the experience of withdrawal is made as easy as it can be (potentially with the help of various medications).

Once detox has been completed and the patient’s system has been cleansed of substances of abuse, they will enter the therapy phase: various forms of therapy – both group and one-to-one – and different therapy models will be provided, aims at uncovering the root causes of addiction and at giving the patient appropriate defence mechanisms designed to help them resist relapse.

Throughout their stay each patient will benefit from a tailored fitness and dietary plan – on the understanding that a healthy mind requires a healthy body – and from various other resources available on site (which will differ from one facility to another).

Upon leaving the facility, a patient’s recovery is by no means complete: it is an ongoing process involving countless challenges and potential pitfalls. Because of this, good rehabs will provide up to a year’s free aftercare, giving the patient vital security and reassurance for their endeavours.

What Does Rehab Cost in Bristol?

The cost of private rehab in or near Bristol can vary significantly by treatment programme, and depending on which of a variety of optional extras are selected. As a rough guide, standard costs range from between £5,500 and £11,000 per month, though the cheapest rehab treatment can start from as little as £834 per week. For more details, call 0800 804 4755.

NHS Addiction Treatment Options Bristol

For various reasons – including concerns over cost or the difficulty of spending a significant period away from family and work commitments – some addicts may feel that private rehab is not currently an option for them. If this applies to you, you need not to give up hope: there are numerous NHS and charity resources in and around Bristol of which you can avail yourself. Speak to your GP about which resources may be suitable.

Advantages of NHS Treatment

The most obvious advantage of NHS treatment is financial: as noted above, private rehab comes at a cost (although compared with the costs – financial and otherwise – of sustaining an addiction, this investment may be considered minor) while NHS options are free at the point of use.

They are also very accessible geographically – the NHS operates in every corner of the country – and of a high standard of service; however, it should be noted that quality does vary from one NHS trust to another and that, as discussed above, waiting times can be prohibitive.

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Addiction Support Groups

Various organisations exist across the UK which provide assistance to recovering addicts on a support group basis: groups of people who are themselves in recovery, who gather regularly (typically weekly) to offer and take advice, share stories of addiction, show solidarity and sympathy, and give the simple companionship that can be so important when someone is struggling with recovery and loneliness. Attendance is usually free, with the only criterion for participation being a commitment to abstinence.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is the best-known and oldest (formed in 1935) of these organisations, and operates on a 12-step programme which is the basis for many other similar support networks – such as Narcotics Anonymous (NA) which as its name suggests caters specifically to recovering drug addicts.

Similarly based on the 12-step model, but each with an even more specific focus are Cocaine Anonymous (CA), Heroin Anonymous (HA), Marijuana Anonymous (MA) and Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA), all of which operate 12-step programmes. There are also support groups such as Al-Anon and Nar-Anon assisting the families and friends of addicts which typically hold meetings alongside those for the addicts themselves.

Support groups typically meet weekly, though each local chapter is managed independently and meeting times and venues are subject to change. To find information on meetings in or near Bristol, see the relevant websites:

Alcoholics Anonymous
, Narcotics Anonymous; Cocaine Anonymous; Heroin Anonymous; Marijuana Anonymous; Crystal Meth Anonymous.

Types of Counselling

Many recovering addicts benefit from individual counselling – especially useful for people with very busy schedules – provided by private addiction counsellors who operate very much like “normal” psychotherapists (though with an understandable focus on addiction and its ramifications).

This model is often of particular interest to people who have completed a rehab programme and who desire a supplementary aid to their recovery, as well as to those who have not yet engaged in such a programme but who seek a means of managing an addiction prior to doing so at an appropriate time.

Private counsellors can be found across the country and abroad variety of therapeutic models are delivered. Counsellors are typically seen on an ongoing basis by private appointment – usually weekly – and charge a fee per such appointment. The majority of counsellors limit access to set working hours, though some do make themselves available for emergency access.

How to get to Banbury Lodge from Bristol City

Banbury Lodge is situated in a delightful, peaceful rural setting in the historic Oxfordshire town of Banbury. Its state-of-the-art facilities and highly experienced medical and support staff create the ideal environment in which to address the key questions at the heart of recovery from addiction and to embrace its fully comprehensive holistic rehabilitation programme. It is also one of the only rehabs in the UK offering treatment to people aged between 16 and 18 struggling with addictions.

To get to Banbury from Bristol, take the A4044 then stay on that road to the A4032. Follow signs for M4/M5, and join the M4 heading towards the M5/South Wales/Midlands. At junction 20, exit onto the M5; then at junction 11A take the A417 towards Cirencester. Keep on that road to the A436, then follow that road to the B4068. Keep going until Fosse Way Road/A429, and thence onto the A44. Stay on that road to the A3400, and after Tadmarton take the B4035; from there, follow signs to the town centre.

Banbury Lodge
The Hawthorns
OX16 9FA

Bristol City