Alcohol & Drug Rehab in Southend

Nowhere in the UK is free from the blight of substance abuse and addiction, but large and popular coastal resorts such as Essex are, unfortunately, especially susceptible. Alcoholism and addiction to illegal drugs and prescription medication are a growing problem, causing countless individual tragedies and collective social strife on a grand scale.

However, the picture is not an entirely gloomy one: recent years have seen significant advances in the treatment of addiction and the establishment of a growing number of dedicated treatment facilities. If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction in or near Southend-on-Sea h, it is not too late to get help. Read on to discover how rehab can set you back on the path to a happy, healthy, addiction-free life.

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Sanctuary Lodge is a state of the art detox and rehabilitation facility, se…

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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Services in Essex

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What is Rehab

Rehab is usually (but not always) in a residential centre, people go to a rehab in order to address both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction and dependency, treatment involves a medical detox from the substance and a selection of psychological treatments to address the underlying cause of the addiction and to learn better ways to cope with life. Whilst in a rehab centre every facet of addiction can be addressed via medicine, diet, therapy and holistic treatments. The aim is to create a strong foundation and safely detox an individual to give them the best chance of sustaining recovery at the other end of the program.

Being in a residential setting affords people the opportunity to focus solely on their recovery without the added pressures of day to day life distracting them and ensures they are not in danger by trying to detox themselves. Private residential rehabs operate on a completely confidential level meaning clients can feel secure and relaxed that there will be no social repercussions as result of admitting they need help.

How can I get Someone into Rehab?

The longer an addiction is left to fester the stronger it becomes; it is best to try to get someone on the right track as quickly as possible. There are many paths to get in to recovery such as NHS drop in support services and 12 step support groups but unfortunately when it comes to residential treatment the amount of applicants wanting it vastly out ways the funds available through charities and government services to afford it. The only guaranteed way or rapid way to get in to a residential rehab is to go to a private clinic, call 0800 024 1455 to speak with an addiction specialist who can advise you on which option will be best.

The Advantages of Private Rehab

Private rehab has many advantages; being in a residential setting means there is no need for a prolonged reduction programme as the person will receive a fully supervised medical detox which will ensure they are both safe and as comfortable as can be. Residential programmes also offer 24-hour support to clients and very structured and varied psychological programs all day everyday giving people the best opportunities to learn all the skills to build a foundation for their recovery.

Rehab is not a cure for addiction, there is no ‘cure’ but it is the best way to arm a person with the tools they will need to lead a happy life within recovery (a lot of people end up happier than they ever were before), most rehabs offer aftercare for up to a year after treatment to help them stay on track and build on what they have already learned. Being in a tranquil, supported confidential setting with around the clock care affords clients the space and time they need to give 100% of their focus to overcoming their addiction, it removes them from temptations while teaching the skills to resist them in a gentle and holistic setting.

What Does Rehab Cost Near Southend?

The cost of private rehab in or near Southend can vary significantly by treatment programme, and depending on which of a variety of optional extras are selected. As a rough guide, standard costs range from between £5,500 and £11,000 per month, though the cheapest rehab treatment can start from as little as £834 per week. For more details, call 0800 804 4755.

NHS Addiction Treatment Options Near Southend

Not everybody has the finances or the time needed for private treatment, this does not mean they can not get in to recovery! There are lots of NHS and charity options to be found in Southend and across Essex to help such as drop in services and support groups. Consult with your GP about which ones would be suitable for you or have a look at our free service database.

Advantages of NHS Treatment

The primary advantage of NHS treatment is, of course, financial: private rehab comes at a cost which may be offputting to some addicts (although, set against the costs – financial and otherwise – of addiction, this investment may be comparatively minor) and NHS options are free at the point of use. They are also very accessible geographically in that the NHS operates in every corner of the country (though waiting times vary and may be substantial). Furthermore, the NHS offers a high standard of service – though quality does vary by location.

Find Private, Luxury Treatment Centers in Southend-on-sea

Addiction Support Groups

A number of organisations exist across the country to provide assistance to recovering addicts, and some of these operate a support group model. Support groups are groups of individuals who are themselves recovering addicts – some only recently free from addiction, while others may have been clean for many years – and who come together at regular meetings to give and take mutual support: sharing their stories of addiction, giving advice on how to resist relapse, showing solidarity and sympathy when group members are struggling, and providing the simple companionship which can mean so much in times of difficulty and loneliness. Support group attendees can come from all walks of life, brought together by their shared experience of addiction and recovery; typically, attendance at support groups is free and the only qualification for participation is a commitment to leading a life free of substance abuse.

The most famous support group organisation, and the one on which most others are modelled, is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) which was founded in 1935 and runs on a 12-step programme of personal and spiritual development, with one of the steps being a recognition that a higher power – such as God – can assist with an alcoholic’s recovery. Narcotics Anonymous (NA), founded in 1953 and based directly upon the AA model, is the second-largest support group organisation worldwide and caters to recovering drug addicts specifically. In a similar vein, but supporting those recovering from addictions to specific substances, are Cocaine Anonymous (CA), Heroin Anonymous (HA), Marijuana Anonymous (MA) and Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA), all of which operate 12-step programmes. There are also support groups such as Al-Anon and Nar-Anon assisting the families and friends of addicts which typically hold meetings alongside those for the addicts themselves.

Support groups typically meet weekly, though each local chapter is managed independently and meeting times and venues are subject to change. To find information on meetings in or near Southend, see the relevant websites:

Alcoholics Anonymous
, Narcotics Anonymous; Cocaine Anonymous; Heroin Anonymous; Marijuana Anonymous; Crystal Meth Anonymous.

Types of Counselling

There all lots of different types of counselling out there but it is best to go for someone who is trained in the treatment of addiction. Some people go for addictions counselling after a stay in rehab and others go to it instead of a residential option whilst receiving additional medical support from other services. Addiction counsellors work in a similar way to regular counsellors but will have a better understanding of the specific challenges facing someone on their journey to recovery. Private counsellors work on a one to one basis and charge a fee per session, it can be a great way to get additional support whilst maintaining work and family commitments.

How to Get to Sanctuary Lodge from Southend

Sanctuary Lodge is a state-of-the-art, 24-bedroom detox and rehabilitation facility set in a tranquil neighbourhood in the pretty market town of Halstead, Essex. Sanctuary Lodge’s high-quality facilities and highly experienced medical and support staff create the ideal environment in which to address the key questions at the heart of recovery from addiction, and to embrace its fully comprehensive holistic rehabilitation programme.

To get to Halstead from Southend, take the A1159 to the A127, and then follow this to the A1245 and then the A130. Merge onto the A12, then take the B1024 to the A120. Rejoin the B1024 and then take the A1124 and the A131; follow signs for the town centre.

Sanctuary Lodge
Hedingham Road
