Alcohol & Drug Rehab in Cambridge

Cambridge may be one of the most beautiful cities in the country, with one of the world’s great centres of learning at its heart, but that does not render it immune to the destruction caused by addiction to alcohol, illegal drugs and/or prescription medicines; indeed, Cambridge’s unique demographic mix, comparative affluence, and ease of access to both London and population centres in the Midlands and elsewhere make it especially susceptible to that destruction.

If you live in or near Cambridge and are suffering from addiction, you must not allow itself to give in to despair: hope really is closer than you may think – as is a life free of substance abuse. Read on to find out how rehab can turn your life around and set you back on a path towards happiness and success.

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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Services in Cambridgeshire

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What Is Rehab?

Rehab describes addiction treatment provided at a dedicated facility, as well as being the name given to that facility itself (“going to rehab”). Treatment rehab typically comprises a detoxification (“detox”) phase aimed at removing a patient’s physical dependency, followed by therapy phase to deal with psychological addiction and to prepare the patient for their return to the outside world.

Rehabs are typically aesthetically pleasing, tranquil and secluded institutions, and are of necessity confidential ones, to allow patients to focus on the recovery. As a result, it is generally accepted that rehab is the most effective addiction treatment method – indeed, so closely are rehab and recovery linked in the public mind that “rehab” has effectively become synonymous with “addiction treatment”

How Can I Get Someone into Rehab?

Addiction ruins lives, and the sooner an addict can take the first crucial step and reach out for help, the sooner they can be on their way to rehab and recovery. While the NHS provides a good selection of services, including rehab, places tend to be limited and waiting times are often lengthy at best (and can be catastrophically long).

If you or a loved one are desperate for help, you may not wish to waste another second contacting an addiction specialist to explore some of the private options available to you: call 0800 024 1455 now.

Advantages of Private Rehab

As mentioned above, rehab offers patients a peaceful, secure and confidential setting in which they are able to focus wholly upon their well-being and their ongoing recovery, away from the temptations of daily life and the environment in which their addiction developed (as well as, obviously, substances of abuse).

When going through the first phase of rehab – detox – patients will benefit from supervision by highly experienced medical personnel who are on hand to ensure that detox and withdrawal are safe and as comfortable as possible (this may involve the provision of certain medicines).

Moving into the second phase – therapy – patients work to reveal and address the root causes of addiction, and to develop psychological defences against relapse; they also benefit from being given bespoke dietary and fitness plans (working on the basis that a healthy mind requires a healthy body) and potentially from any fitness or other recreational facilities offered by the rehab in question.

Upon leaving rehab after completing the agreed treatment programme, the former patient – now more correctly referred to as a recovering addict – will be given up to a year’s free aftercare in recognition of the fact that recovery is not complete simply upon walking out of the facility but is an ongoing process requiring constant attention, diligence and dedication to leading a life free of substance abuse.

What Does Rehab Cost in Cambridgeshire?

The cost of private rehab can vary significantly by treatment programme – perhaps depending on which of a variety of optional extras are selected – and from one facility to the next. As a rough guide, standard costs for rehab in and near Cambridge range from between £5,500 and £11,000 per month, though the cheapest rehab treatment can start from as little as £834 per week. For more details, call 0800 804 4755.

NHS Addiction Treatment Options Cambridge

It is possible that you may feel that private rehab is not at present an option which is open to you, perhaps for reasons of cost or possibly because in your estimation is impossible for you to take the necessary time away from your family and job. It is always worth discussing this with an addiction specialist who may be able to give greater insight into your situation from an external perspective. Reach out to your GP to discuss these resources and which might be the most appropriate for your situation.

Advantages of NHS Treatment

It should come as no surprise that the primary advantage of NHS treatment in many peoples eyes is financial: while private rehab comes at a cost which, as mentioned above, may be off-putting to some addicts (though which may pale into insignificance compared with the costs – financial, physical, emotional and other – of not getting help and continuing to suffer from addiction) NHS services are free at the point of use.

Moreover, the NHS offers high quality of service and one which is extremely accessible geographically thanks to the NHS’ provision of services right across the UK; it is however important to remember that quality does vary – sometimes significantly – from one trust to the next, while waiting times also very and can be extremely long.

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Addiction Support Groups

Even people who are completely unfamiliar with addiction treatment are likely to have heard of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), the organisation founded in 1935 to provide help to alcohol addicts wishing to live a sober lifestyle.

The 12-step programme developed by AA’s founders remains at the core of the organisation’s offering, and has since been adopted by numerous other organisations including Narcotics Anonymous (NA), which as its name suggests provides a similar role to that of AA but with a focus on recovering drug addicts.

Other support group organisations running a 12-step programme include Cocaine Anonymous (CA), Heroin Anonymous (HA), Marijuana Anonymous (MA) and Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA); meanwhile support groups such as Al-Anon and Nar-Anon help the families and friends of addicts, typically holding meetings alongside those for the addicts themselves.

Support groups are made up of recovering addicts coming together at regular meetings – typically weekly – for mutual support in the form of sharing advice, giving assistance with life tasks such as applying for housing, helping to prevent relapse on the part of any attendees who are struggling with temptation, and providing simple companionship: loneliness is a very significant trigger of relapse amongst recovering addicts and the importance of a friendly peer network cannot be overstated.

Attendance at support group meetings is usually free, with one qualification being that all attendees must be committed to leading a life free of substance abuse. Each local chapter is managed independently, and meeting times and venues are subject to change. To find information on meetings in or near Cambridge, see the relevant websites:

Alcoholics Anonymous
, Narcotics Anonymous; Cocaine Anonymous; Heroin Anonymous; Marijuana Anonymous; Crystal Meth Anonymous.

Types of Counselling

A form of ongoing assistance during recovery which is often especially beneficial for people with extremely busy schedules is individual counselling. Private addiction counsellors operate very much like regular psychotherapists (though with an obvious emphasis on addressing the causes and consequences of addiction) and offer a broad variety of therapy models and different approaches to treatment – some extremely niche and alternative.

Typically, private counsellors can be seen by appointment, usually on a weekly basis but with a great degree of flexibility governing the relationship. Fees are usually charged per appointment; some councillors are available on an emergency basis although most limit themselves to pre-agreed working hours.

Private addiction counsellors are often sought out by recovering addicts who have gone through full treatment programmes at rehab and who desire ongoing professional assistance at this phase of their recovery, as well as by professionals at the other end of the journey who have not yet been to rehab but who wish to try to manage their addictions prior to taking that step.

How to Get to Sanctuary Lodge from Cambridge

Sanctuary Lodge is a state-of-the-art, 24-bedroom detox and rehabilitation facility set in a tranquil neighbourhood in the pretty market town of Halstead, Essex. Sanctuary Lodge’s high-quality facilities and highly experienced medical and support staff create the ideal environment in which to address the key questions at the heart of recovery from addiction, and to embrace its fully comprehensive holistic rehabilitation programme.

To get to Halstead from Cambridge, take the Newmarket Road to Coldhams Lane; then take the A1134 to Fendon Road and thence to the A1307. Keep on that road until the A1017, then follow that until Halstead Rd/A1124; follow signs to the town centre.

Sanctuary Lodge
Hedingham Road
