The Link Between Low Self-Esteem and Addiction

There seems to be a definite link between low self-esteem and addiction, with those who deem themselves to be unworthy of love and happiness often turning to substance abuse as a way to forget about their problems. People with little self-worth may struggle to enjoy life and develop relationships with other people, and because they are so unhappy with their life, they will seek anything to help them to escape how they are feeling. That will often lead to alcohol or drug abuse, which only provides temporary relief. In the long-term, low self-esteem will be accompanied by depression and misery.

What Causes Low Self Esteem?

There are many reasons why some people suffer from low self-esteem. Many will have suffered abuse or neglect as a child and may feel unloved and unworthy as a result. Children find it difficult to understand why some adults act the way they do and will blame themselves for the neglect or abuse they suffered. The feeling of being to blame can last right up to adulthood, and it can affect many decisions they make.

If an individual is constantly told that he or she is a failure or not good enough, they will start to believe it. Continual criticism growing up can affect individuals, resulting in low self-esteem. Children can find it difficult to value themselves if they do not feel valued by their parents.

Physical appearance is often the a cause of low self-esteem. If a person has body issues or they have been targeted because of a particular feature, he or she may begin to experience feelings of low self-esteem.

How are Low Self Esteem and Addiction Linked?

Those with an addictive personality often suffer from low self-esteem. Taking drugs or drinking alcohol may provide a person with a confidence boost, which may make them feel better about themselves. They may begin to only feel confident while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Before long, they will find that they are dependent on these substances to get through life. However, when the person becomes addicted to these substances, their feelings of low self-worth will increase and they may become depressed and suicidal.

Children that suffer from low self-esteem are more likely to try alcohol or drugs than those who do not. They are more likely to give in to peer pressure because they will not want to disappoint their friends. In addition, they may want to escape the fact that they do not feel worthy, so taking drugs or alcohol will provide them with a temporary escape from these feelings.

Getting Help

Addiction is an illness that affects individuals all over the UK. Those who suffer from it may feel very lonely because they are no longer able to relate to their family members or friends. They will try to hide their addiction for as long as possible; it is generally only when they are forced to face up to the consequences of their actions that they will seek help.

If you or a loved one is suffering because of addiction, Addiction Helper is here to assist. We have a team of experienced advisors, counsellors, and therapists that work hard to give addicts the help they need in terms of recovery.

We work with many organisations, including private clinics, charity organisations, local support groups, and the NHS, and we will find the ideal treatment provider, based on each clients’ individual needs. For more information on how Addiction Helper can assist you, contact our expert advisors today. They are ready to take your call; anything you tell them will be dealt with in strict confidence. We can help you fight the dual diagnosis.

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UK Addiction Treatment Group.

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