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Dundas HouseDundas St, Middlesbrough TS1 1BA

Key Points

  • Substance Misuse
  • Harm Reduction
  • Outpatient
  • Free
Treatment and Care Service is a free and confidential drug and alcohol service for adults and young people in Middlesbrough. We provide targeted and specialist help (often on an outreach basis), screening and assessment, to ensure all your needs and aspirations are met. We offer groups, support and positive social networks as required. We also offer a dedicated harm minimisation service, providing advice and information, needle exchange, testing and vaccinations for blood bourne viruses (including HIV and Hepatitis C) and wound care. Our service is part of Middlesbrough Recovering Together (MRT). We work in partnership with The Fulcrum Medical Practice (a specialist prescribing service) and Recovery Connections (an abstinence and recovery service) to reduce the amount of harm caused by drug and alcohol misuse, helping individuals to lead healthier, happier lives.