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The Courtyard, Pudding Lane, Maidstone ME14 1PA

Key Points

  • Eating Disorder
The All Age Eating Disorder Service for Kent and Medway is a specialist service. Our service aims to bring hope and confidence, through help and support, to those who have an eating disorder, to enable them to take back control of their life by overcoming their eating disorder. Eating disorders involve disturbances in eating behaviour, such as extreme and unhealthy restriction of food intake and/or severe overeating, as well as feelings of distress or extreme concern about body shape and /or weight. Such disturbances can put physical health and functioning at risk. Eating disorders can be triggered by a variety of causes such as genetics, psychological and/or social influences. More often they are a way of coping with difficult thoughts, emotions or experiences. Commonly, people with eating disorders feel that controlling their eating habits is the only way they can maintain control of their life, when in fact the eating disorder begins to control them.