The Community Larder

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The Rectory Church Street HR9 5HN

Key Points

  • Free
The Churches Together in Ross and District Community Larder is a project based above St MaryÍs Hall. It seeks to help individuals and families who are facing hardship. It is supported by members of the local and district churches, Ross Town Council, the Gazette, the Lions Club and local people. SainsburyÍs, Waitrose and the Community Garden support us with items of food or with generous donations, and other local firms are beginning to donate too. We hold Saturday food collections from time to time at MorrisonÍs. The Community Larder is open on Tuesday mornings from 10.00 am until 12 noon and is staffed by volunteers from all the churches in Ross and the surrounding villages. The Larder works on a voucher scheme. The vouchers are available from agencies throughout the town such as Age UK, CAB, DASH, Festival Housing, Job Centre Plus, British Legion, SSAFA and many more. The local schools, health visitors and clergy also have vouchers. There is no limit to the number of times someone can visit the Larder but people can only come once a week. Anyone wishing to donate food (nonperishable goods are preferred) can bring it to the back of St MaryÍs Church, the Council Offices 9.00 am until 1.00 pm Monday to Friday, or directly to the Larder when itÍs open. A donation can be taken into the Church Office any cheques being made payable to Ross Community Larder.