Etizolam Addiction and Abuse

What Is Etizolam?

Etizolam is a synthetic drug used in the treatment of anxiety and panic attacks. It is not licensed for the treatment of any mental or behavioral disorder in the UK, but can also be used for treating seizures and serves as a short-term treatment for insomnia. It works by slowing down brain and body activities, almost to the point of sedation. Etizolam is quite similar to benzodiazepine drugs, except for some small structural differences.

Therapeutic Uses for Etizolam

Etizolam is used in the treatment of the following disorders:

  • Anxiety: Etizolam is used for the treatment of anxiety, which results in hyperactivity, sweaty palms, panic, and so on. It works by slowing down nerve impulses and increasing the production of neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid in the brain, just like benzodiazepines.
  • Vertigo: In small doses, the drug can help in the treatment of vertigo.
  • Insomnia: Etizolam is also used to treat short-term insomnia.
  • Schizophrenia: The drug helps in lowering schizophrenic episodes by targeting the auditory delusions, characteristic of schizophrenics.
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Chemical Components

The Etizolam molecular structure is different from benzodiazepines. This is because the benzene ring which is present in benzodiazepine has been replaced by a thiophene ring and fused with a triazole ring, making Etizolam a thienotriazolodiazepine instead. It contains anticonvulsant, hypnotic, amnesic, anxiolytic and sedative properties and comes under the psychoactive class of depressants.

Risk of Etizolam Abuse

Etizolam is said to be 10 times stronger than diazepam, which produces similar effects on the user, making it highly liable for abuse. Abusing Etizolam comes at a great risk to the individual.

Erratic behavior is one of the risks involved in abusing the drug. The ‘high’ of Etizolam is similar to that of alcohol, in that you might find a person feeling drowsy and their speech slurred. There are sharp mood swings that also accompany it. The user will quickly move from a seeming state of drunkenness to one of sobriety.

Abusing Etizolam can result in weight loss, while the impairment of judgment may cause the user to neglect their daily duties, personal hygiene and lose any awareness of their responsibilities.

The Legality of Etizolam

Etizolam is not prescribed in the UK, but used to be legal until the introduction of the Psychoactive Act of 2016. Since then, the supply or importation of Etizolam has been banned. Other countries like the United States have also prohibited the drug from being prescribed. The UK Home Office banned the drug alongside U-47700, owing to the level of tissue damage recorded from heavy users of the drug. The call came as a necessity, as youngsters were self-medicating – mostly as a treatment for anxiety.

Signs, Effects and Symptoms

Everyone is susceptible to drug abuse, irrespective of background, education and religion. It often begins as a one-off attempt with a little coercion from peers. A drug like Etizolam has a high risk of abuse, seeing that many people suffer from anxiety and sleeplessness at one time or another.

It’s recommended that you culture a routine of not self-medicating, even when you’re convinced that you won’t make a habit out of it.

How Addiction Develops

Generally, people take drugs to feel better. Some people say drugs help them ‘fight their demons’, which could be anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, fatigue, depression, delusions, and so on. Adults and teens regularly take drugs to relax and make them feel ‘normal’.

Sometimes, addiction is borne from experimentation – especially amongst teens. This could begin with alcohol and cigarettes, which are substances they can easily lay their hands on. That can often be the case with strong drugs like Etizolam as well.

In the case of teens, addiction can also develop as a form of rebellion against parents and guardians or as a way of seeking acceptance from their peers.

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Etizolam Abuse

Once a person has gone past the point of experimentation and reached the stage of regular usage, the consumption of such drugs is no longer due to curiosity or any of the other reasons stated above. The individual begins going out of their way to procure these drugs and administer them accordingly.

Chemical dependency on Etizolam doesn’t usually occur after the first intake. This requires consistent use in most people before this can happen. According to Web MD, regular use increases the risk of dependency and addiction to the drug, because consistent use results in the chemical changing the brain and creating a physical addiction to it.

Etizolam: A Teen Drug Abuse Trend

Etizolam is considered a new, teen drug abuse trend. Its affordability and accessibility make it a prime choice for teens that are both experimenting and using regularly. It can easily be purchased via internet drug sellers from the comfort of your room. Despite the government’s ban and war against psychoactive drugs (especially Etizolam and U-47700), thousands of teens still manage to get their hands on it.

Etizolam Is Every Parent’s Worst Nightmare

Etizolam causes erratic behaviour in the user, which in the case of teens leads to rebellion and conflict with parents. As with other substances, the initial signs of abuse and addiction include truancy, which result in poor grades. Etizolam can be considered every parent’s worst nightmare, as the likelihood of addiction is higher than most other drugs with which teens experiment.

Parents are always concerned about this new drug trend, as Etizolam is highly addictive and easily purchased. A radical ban on your children attending school and hanging out with friends won’t help, because they can still purchase Etizolam online with ease.

How Etizolam Is Abused

Abusers of Etizolam span all age ranges, as the drug is abused not just for the associated ‘high’. Adults predominantly abuse it to reduce anxiety and panic disorders. Teens take it for the ‘high’ and to reduce anxiety and panic attacks emanating from academic workload and examinations.

The aforementioned categories of abusers have even been reported to purposely overdose on the drug. Taking Etizolam regularly in large quantities will led to your body building tolerance, which leads to abuse, thereby increasing the risks of its numerous side effects. Most people start with a prescription dose of 0.25mg, building it up to 2.5mg within a month.

Signs and Symptoms of Etizolam Abuse

Etizolam abuse manifests at different levels. If a friend or relative is abusing this drug, it will be very easy to identify. Having done so, it is imperative you convince them to go for treatment.

Cognitive impairment is a major sign of Etizolam abuse. If you are abusing the drug, you will experience slight memory loss, difficulty paying attention, reduced speech rate and aggression.

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Physical, Emotional and Social Effects of Etizolam Abuse

Etizolam decreases response time to stimuli and also affects coordination. The user will begin experiencing slurred speech, extreme tiredness (that could result in sedation), stuttering, distorted vision and the type of staggering that mimics a drunken state – even when no alcohol has been ingested. In the best case scenario, one will experience headache, confusion and faintness.

Emotionally, Etizolam abuse induces sharp mood swings in the user. Loss of inhibition is another worry, coupled with extreme reactions to any given event. Sometimes, the user plunges into depression.

Emotional instability leads to an unstable social life in abusers. Teens are not able to meet academic demands, while adult users find it difficult to maintain relationships or hold down jobs.

Long-term Effects of Etizolam Abuse

The only safety measure in Etizolam is to use it for therapeutic purposes. Continued use will result in decreased cognitive performance, physical impairment and other behavioural abnormalities. Long-term effects may vary in individuals (depending on the length of their abuse and physical composition), but include:

  • Dependency: constant abuse of Etizolam leads to dependency, as a result of the drug’s restructuring of the user’s neurochemistry. The brain will subsequently be unable to produce much-needed neurochemicals without the presence of the drug.
  • Personality change: lengthened exposure to the drug will generally alter the user’s personality to a more aggressive, erratic and often depressed one. All the social effects mentioned above will combine to produce a deteriorating personality.
  • Cognitive damage: the long-term cognitive effects are the same as those that accompany short-term memory loss and confusion. Continuous exposure only deepens their effects on the mind.

Short-term Effects of Etizolam Abuse

Some of the short-term effects of Etizolam abuse include:

  • Confusion
  • Slurred speech
  • Loss of coordination
  • Faintness
  • Slight memory impairment
  • Tremor
  • Lack of concentration
  • Difficulty breathing and swallowing

Etizolam: Ten things you should know About This Addictive Drug

  1. Etizolam is very powerful and addictive. It is said to be 10 times more addictive and potent than Valium. It is very easy to become addicted, which is why people should not experiment with Etizolam – even out of curiosity.
  2. Etizolam withdrawal can be fatal. Abrupt cessation of Etizolam use may result in seizures, insomnia, muscle stiffness and extreme restlessness.
  3. Etizolam is illegal in the UK and US. In fact, the drug is not prescribed in the UK for the treatment of any disorder. However, much of the Etizolam that’s smuggled into the UK comes from countries like Japan and Italy.
  4. Etizolam mimics the effects benzodiazepines.
  5. The effects and risks of Etizolam vary amongst individuals.
  6. Combining Etizolam with other depressants can prove fatal.
  7. The prescribed dose in countries where it is used for therapeutic purposes is between 0.25mg to 1mg, whereas 2mg is considered harmful.
  8. Drug vendors sell Etizolam as Valium, which is less addictive than Etizolam.
  9. The drug is used by a wide range of the population. Its abuse doesn’t have a particular demography. It is used by both teens and adults of all backgrounds for treating anxiety, depression and sleep disorders, as well as for recreational purposes.
  10. A person addicted to Etizolam has a better chance of recovery if they seek help early on.


How often can Etizolam be used without the risk of addiction/habituation?

Once a week is considered okay, but not using any highly addictive substance is obviously the safest practice.

Is Etizolam addictive or not?

Etizolam is highly addictive. It is ten times more potent than Valium, because it requires the user to take more of it after each intake.

How Does Etizolam Affect the Brain and Body?

Etizolam affects the body and brain by slowing them down. This is how it’s able to manage anxiety, insomnia and depression and why the side effects are related to slow cognitive and motor skills.

How Dangerous is Etizolam Abuse?

It is easy to overdose on Etizolam and the risks include seizures, anxiety, insomnia and even death.

Is Etizolam Illegal?

It is illegal and is not prescribed for the treatment of any disorder.

Can Etizolam be used Legally?

The drug is unlicensed in the UK, which means it can’t be used for any specific purpose.

Can I mix Etizolam with other substances?

You should never mix Etizolam with other substances, as this increases the risks significantly. In most cases, alcohol is the substance users choose to mix with Etizolam and the effects have been deadly.

What are the street names for Etizolam?

  • Etilaam
  • Etizest
  • Etizola
  • Etizolan
  • Pasaden
  • Sedekopan
  • Depas

Who is most at risk of abuse?

Teens are most at risk of abusing Etizolam.

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